What Have You Done For Me Lately

    The price of freedom is on the line, and for the people in the back of the room, or the Republicans in the rafters of a Trump Rally, this election is far too important to just allow your candidate to slide back into that ratty tatty White House; Trumps words not mine.

    Oh no no no my friends.  Many supporters of the party of Trump often ask why should they vote for a person simply because of her skin color.  This election is more about freedom and Democracy than if a female is colored, black, East Indian, from Oakland, or whatever silly moniker the rabid anti-democrat wants to hang on the team of Harris-Walz.  This election is about the continuance of the party of Biden-Harris, and Obama-Biden before them.  Shall we count the ways.  

    The Biden Harris Administration has forgiven more than 95 percent of my student loans, and loans of nearly 5 million fellow students.  This single-handedly wiped out more than $167 billion dollars in debt, according to the Associated Press.   

    Imagine what a blessing this is for individuals, and families whose personal debt prevented them from buying homes, where they can now live with more monthly income.  It is monumental for me and my family because homeownership is now closer than ever before.  And the man called sleepy Joe by Trump, was not slow to implement this path to the restoration of the middle class by accelerating the program 6 months earlier than planned.  The party of Trump called it "an unfair giveaway to Democratic voters."  

    To his credit Biden used a post 9/11 law that allows for the Executive branch to enact legislation that helps those impacted by natural disasters such as COVID-19.  Way to go Biden Harris.  Many Democratic candidates are too afraid to stand with the administration in battleground elections across the country, but I wanna shout this to the girders so voters can understand how well the current administration has helped them .  But wait, I have more to shout about.

    Using that same Executive Power the Biden Harris Administration will forgive $4 Billion in loans for socially disadvantaged farmers including black, Native American, Asian American, Alaskan native, and Pacific Islander.  In response,  a group of midwestern famers sued the Executive Branch citing overreach.  The conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty filed the action on behalf of white farmers in federal court in Green Bay, Wisconsin and is seeking damages from the US Department of Agriculture.  Six states lead by GOP candidates sued the Biden Administration for the loan forgiveness bill citing Executive overreach.  The evil 6 include my former states of residency Missouri and Kansas; no surprise there, and Iowa, Arkansas, and South Carolina.  

    In other USDA news, Biden-Harris appropriated $1 billion to food banks across the country during COVID-19 in the administration's Build Back Better initiative.

    Biden-Harris worked to lower the costs of insulin which some were paying upwards of $600 per prescription.  As a Medicare Insurance Broker, I have had clients die because they couldn't get the necessary dosages of insulin to remain out of hospital.  As of this writing, the administration announced an effort to lower the cost of all drugs for all patients, according to the Associated Press.

    In contrast, the Trump Administration in 2017 took $17 million dollars from Missouri Medicaid with the help of then governor Eric Greitens.  Later Greitens would resign in 2018 around allegations of sexual assault and campaign finance crimes.  Trumps wealthy supporters enjoyed a huge tax cut, while Missourians endured the loss of the Missouri Rx Discount program that helped seniors reduce their drug costs by 50%.  Missouri was not alone, every governor throughout the US also donated to the Trump White House Tax Cut, while hurting their voters.  Trump touted his tax cut as a result of his own efforts, when in fact the money came from some of the most needy and vulnerable voters in the form of state Medicaid.  Medicaid is one of those programs that inherently allows for such flexibility that the Federal government gives the states the money, and states can give the money right back.  Thank goodness programs like Social Security do not function with such elasticity.  Republicans are always using the scare tactic that their Social Security will be cut if they vote for Democrats, but they lie.  Since I have been serving the senior population, every year I have had to assure seniors that their money is safe, with the caveat that I may not have Social Security when the time comes.  

    In short, when elected Harris will inherit a country in good standing.  Citizens are better off than they were under the Trump Administration.  And likely Madame President-Elect will continue to Build Back a Better Nation.  We want her in that White House, we need her to in that White House.  As we move through these next 11 weeks 4 days 8 hours and 40 minutes as of this writing remain steadfast.  Reject all the foolishness that means nothing to your pockets.  Instead donate to a better tomorrow.  


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