You Are a Hero, And Don't Even Know It


    The Year of the Lord 2024 is more than halfway through, and as I check my rearview mirror, I see a reality that is moving faster and faster.  Admittedly, I live and drive in the DMV, and drive like Miss Daisy so I get lots of dirty looks, horn honking, and number three fingers, but I digress.  2024 has shown me fast approaching wrecks, near misses, and easing out of tough situations with a smile.   I grew so much growth financially, personally and professionally as a business owner, Mom, and daughter.  The bumps and successes have been both exciting and eye opening for me.  I am a changed woman.  As I write this, I wonder how many eyes will enjoy the lilt of my written voice because videos have overtaken the written word.  I suspect few will see these words, so I write this diary for myself first and foremost.

    Having said that, now it is time for me to go back to my roots as a professionally trained media journalist and immerse myself into the world of YouTube.  The New World Order for me is the YouTube, TikTok, Instagram stratosphere.  For far too long I have resisted video creation because I did not have anything interesting to say in my opinion.  I shuddered to think about making videos about my growing daughter learning to walk, eat, or play.  I hated to think I might drink too much one late night, post a rant about my insignificant views on politics or the latest gossip, all the while embarrassing myself, driving clients away, and losing contracts with the big companies I work with.  I dare not try to twerk into the annals of video.  I resisted such foolishness by making late night phone calls to friends, sending long texts to lovers and besties, and writing in my personal diary.  But now I know the world that my 15-year-old daughter is growing up in would rather see and hear my chat, than to read my beloved blog.  I am a convert and intend to get with the program and go full media maven.

    I have pinpointed a practical niche to occupy which personally affects me daily.  As the sole caregiver of my 76-year-old mother, I have been learning best practices since 2008, so I would consider that a hard-earned street PhD.  I am thrilled to share how to best serve the "Baby Boomers" by showing their children how to do it spectacularly.  It is not easy, and I intend to share the blueprint for success.

    My situation is doubly valuable to explore because I also care for my growing teenage daughter, while taking care of a Boomer.  And I don't stand alone in this endeavor.   My married best friend also cares for a teenage son, and both of her 80-something year old parents.  She has a particularly special role because she is a heart transplant patient living between two-multimillion dollar homes in Seattle and Los Angeles.  Together we intend to open our lives to social media with the goal of reaching out to a community juxtaposed between two generations, sandwiched between two worlds that we struggle to serve and help transition.  The transition is growth into an ever-changing world of political confusion and comfortably moving into the world beyond life.  She and I have come to remind ourselves that "A Hero is not just a sandwich."  In fact, all of us to care for our parents and kids are Heros.  

    The video channel will remind us that we are each Heros even when we are overwhelmed, overworked, driven to tears, feel like we cannot go own, scared about a hospital stay from an illness we may not even be able to pronounce, coupled with medications that baffle our souls to contemplate taking because of the myriad of side effects, one of which could lead to death. 

    This matters to everyone living in the US today.  According the 2020 U.S. Census, "Baby Boomers have changed the face of the U.S. population for more than 70 years and continue to do so as more enter their senior years, a demographic shift often referred to as a "gray tsunami."  The most up-to-date count of the baby boom generation is now estimated at about 73 million.  As I write this, I see about 50 seniors in the restaurant.

    It takes a village and I intend to build the village.  I am excited about this new venture and look forward to encouraging and communing with others in the fight for our survival, while having fun.  The video program will share best practices on healthcare, medicines, emotional support for parents and caregivers, managing hard-earned inheritances of parents, and transitioning those inheritances to our teens.  There are unlimited topics to help the greatest generation, and I cannot wait to engage with you.  

    For now, my website focuses on Medicare and links to reach me personally to discuss how I can help each family.  TAG Business Enterprises, LLC is the site you can reach me at as I get started producing our first video for YouTube.  I invite all to reach out to me to just chat, ask questions, and to explore the best options for their Medicare eligible family members.  Trust me, we have lots to discuss and I welcome all callers.  Let me fill the gap until we chat live.  Do not hesitate because we are going into the Medicare Open Enrollment Season for the year of our Lord 2025, and I cost you nothing.  

    I want to ensure the sandwich generation, you and me, have what we need to make the most out of what is a chaotic time in history.  Won't you join me and make our lives better.

TAG Business Enterprises, LLC



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