
Showing posts from 2012

Brains Trump Everything

By Taylor's Mommy I saw some wretchedness at the KC Zoo this past weekend that rises to the level of child-abuse, in my opinion; a mother with her 6-year old daughter in tow wearing a full-head of weave. It was half-way down her tiny back, shiny, and super black. The sun was beaming, and the temperature was 80-degrees. It may even have been a lace front -weave, but the po' child had it in her face and was struggling with it while I watched. All I could do to remain cool was to pin up my own shoulder-length hair. If this is what you are putting ON their heads, what the devil are you putting IN their heads! This is wrong on so many levels. In the iconic words of Marvin Gaye, “What is Going On?” The black community is suffering more than ever with the senseless death of Trayvon Martin as proof of what ails us. Obesity hampers us and our babies, diabetes is killing us quietly, and public education is an instrument devised AGAINST not FOR our children, and yet some of us ...