Let Your Word Be Your Bond
In an economic and political period such as this in America, it is vital that your word be your bond. Where has integrity fallen on people’s list of values? Who are we as a country if lying is part of everyday living and interacting with people? I pose these questions after reading the Washington Post to discover that a former colleague, and someone I called a friend, was recently arrested and indicted on Federal bribery charges. Graham Aide's Arrest Rooted in Probe of D.C. Taxi Industry - washingtonpost.com I ask myself, who is this person to put his family, friends, and co-workers in such a perilous position. We are all now under suspicion for work we did for the people of the District of Columbia. Though I did not always agree with him, and openly told him so, I trusted him with everything but my ATM PIN. I interacted with his beautiful family, would always answer his calls no matter what time of night, and would stand up for him when community members trashed talked abo...