
Showing posts from 2008

Senator McCaskill Can't Spell and Shouldn't Be in Congress

I should have known it would not be good calling my local Senator, Claire McCaskill , who has a prominent role alongside Presidential Candidate Barack Obama , when I noticed on the opening page of her website she spelled traveling incorrectly-- travelling! Now when we supported her to go to DC, we thought she was competent enough to know how to spell and use punctuation. But her voters were wrong, she cannot spell. And nor do her staffers know how to talk to constituents when they call. I live in her district in Missouri and called to get help when I found myself calling Sallie Mae to find that they have moved their operations to India. When I called I was told by her staffer "Michael" that as a policy of her office, they only give first names to constituents. I proceeded to get a senior staffer on the line who might be able to tell me when the US allowed Sallie Mae to be bought by a private company. He rudely told me that I could not talk to a senior staffer...

Lies and More Lies from Ma Bell

My family signed up for AT& T's phone and DSL service in January 2008, mostly because of the $100 rebate that was dangled in our faces. Instead of that simple, little, email voucher that would get us an easy-to-use VISA, all we've gotten for the past 7 months is the run around. After paying the bill recently, I got upset and called AT & T to complain about the error and tell them we were switching to our cable provider. A manager, going by the moniker Jennifer, responded and promised to email the voucher to my personal email address so we could finally get the VISA for $100. For several days she did her due diligence by calling to check to see if I received it, but after about a week she stopped calling and I still had no voucher to get the damned VISA that has been promised since January 2008! My mother called AT & T once again and was told by a rebate representative that she had no record of the request made by me, or calls from this Jennifer person, but she would...